Saturday 26 May 2012

Well it looks like Phyllis' careful instructions on how to do this might have worked.  I am a rookie blogger and I will have to add it to the list of 'firsts' for me on this trip.

We are back in Lusaka after the first week of building.  We said good bye to Greg and Nathalie last night - and the rest of the first week group will be dispersing in all directions today.

Bob, Claudia, Peter and I are looking forward to meeting week two group tonight.

Yesterday we spent the day in Nega Nega - seeing a school that was built by PAF several years ago.  It was wonderful to see the school in action and imagine a similar scene in Munenge in years to come.  The school at Nega Nega started out as community school and has recently been taken over by the government.  They now have 350 students between grades one and seven.  We were entertained by singing, drumming and poetry recitals by children of all ages.

We delivered a soccer ball and two sets of team jerseys to the children at Nega Nega and they were delighted to receive them.  We ate our lunch to the sounds of a very energetic soccer game with teams of at least 20 a side. 

There are so many images in my mind it is difficult to know how to convey what we are experiencing here.

We are hoping that the younger group coming in tonight will be able to help us get some pictures up on this blog - which truly will be worth a thousand words.

In the meantime, we are all healthy and enjoying every moment we are here.

Jane Murray

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear Jane.

    We are thankful for the updates and following the build with interest.
